Wednesday, February 14, 2007

business and the environment

“How can business itself survive a continued pattern of worldwide degradation in living systems? What is the logic of extracting diminishing resources in order to create capital to finance more consumption and demand on those same diminishing resources? How do we imagine our future when our commercial systems conflict with everything nature teaches us?”

Source: A Teasing Irony - Paul Hawken


mr merchant

yes, mr stephen merchant (that of The Office, Extras, The Ricky Gervais Show Podcasts) has started a radio show on 6music. It's wonderfully refreshing radio if not exactly groundbreaking. a few weeks back me and mr merchant were both introduced to this wonderful little tchoon.

architecture in helsinki - do the whirlwind

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is this me? #2

getting an appointment with the doctor proved unsuccessful. quickly dismissed with "Phone between 8 and 9 am", by the unenthusiastic receptionist. "oh, the irony" i thought. a week later my melatonin arrived, and ever since then my sleeping pattern problems have been under control. thus the posts becoming less than frequent...

i shouldn't be writing this,

instead i should be getting on with my dissertation. however i attend a pretty useless school within a university with a good reputation. anyway, the point here is the following; i do not have a dissertation tutor. one that is appointed to you in order for you to come to with your doubts and help you and your dissertation progress at a steady pace throughout the semester. however, my 2 course tutors together don't up to make a decent one. they have offered to be my dissertation tutor, when they have failed at their job to find me a suitable dissertation tutor. so how do I say thanks but no thanks? considering that they have both openly admitted to me that they have little knowledge of the subject.

anyway, this blog is not yet dead, i just have a few other things on my mind.

note: if anyone thinks they may be able to offer some advice please feel free, i am growing increasingly anxious. the subject i've picked is Sustainable Development.