Wednesday, February 14, 2007

i shouldn't be writing this,

instead i should be getting on with my dissertation. however i attend a pretty useless school within a university with a good reputation. anyway, the point here is the following; i do not have a dissertation tutor. one that is appointed to you in order for you to come to with your doubts and help you and your dissertation progress at a steady pace throughout the semester. however, my 2 course tutors together don't up to make a decent one. they have offered to be my dissertation tutor, when they have failed at their job to find me a suitable dissertation tutor. so how do I say thanks but no thanks? considering that they have both openly admitted to me that they have little knowledge of the subject.

anyway, this blog is not yet dead, i just have a few other things on my mind.

note: if anyone thinks they may be able to offer some advice please feel free, i am growing increasingly anxious. the subject i've picked is Sustainable Development.


Blogger carlos paulo said...

podes sempre tentar alguém em Portugal. procuras nas univ. portuguesas os professores mais cromos e envias um mail bonito a convidar.

February 14, 2007 6:26 pm  

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