Tuesday, January 16, 2007

is this me?

DSPS - Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome

Came across it tonight, as the pills i've been taking for the past few days have been doing bugger all. Looking up alternatives, melatonin came up. By looking it up (melatonin), it made me come across DSPS. Anyway, for now i will order some melatonin... but perhaps a trip to the doctor (first time in years and years) is in order. Doubt they'll know what i'm talking about.


Blogger carlos paulo said...

no, me too. but I wouldn't call it any fancy name. It's much simpler?? than that. just look for what made sleep like a baby and wake up at the same time that everyone else does.

January 16, 2007 7:12 am  
Blogger mike hunt said...

do u mean sleep as in like i did when i was a baby? or do u mean physically sleep like a baby? and by that do u mean i should shit my nappies and wake up crying?

but seriously, i don't know what u mean by that, help me out here.

January 16, 2007 3:16 pm  
Blogger carlos paulo said...

forget the baby. i meant to say you should look for what (in your life) made(it's not really made but what let?) you sleep regularly. as opposed to what happens now.

January 17, 2007 12:27 pm  

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